AECOsim Building Designer Help

Smooth Arc Wall Facets

When arc wall segments in a Building dynamic view do not appear to be smooth, this command rebuilds the arc wall so that all wall segments display in a continuous smooth curve.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: AECOsim > Drawing Production > Settings > Smooth Facets

An arc wall displaying facets.

The same arc wall appears smooth after it is rebuilt using the Smooth Facets tool.

This is how it works

When an arc wall is placed, the solid curve form is facetted with a tolerance computed from the view extents. This facetted representation is cached in memory for faster redraw.

In a Building dynamic view, these facets are noticeable when the view extents are decreased, as when zooming in for example. These facets are particularly noticeable when a non-unified arc wall is sectioned in a Building dynamic view. This is because the cut geometry in the section is drawn as a complex shape (non-facetted), while the forward view geometry is facetted.

When the Smooth Facets tool is used, solid geometry is facetted at a finer tolerance (as determined by smaller view extents) and the cache is rebuilt. This makes the facets less noticeable.

Key-in: mdl command dvrefresh
  • This command does not rewrite elements to the file.
  • The smallest tolerance is imposed by Building applications when this tool is used.